Three Decades Down

Today is the day I officially say goodbye to my 20’s. In a way it feels like I’ve lived an entire lifetime already and in another, it feels like it’s all gone by so fast that there has to be so much more in store for me. I have learned a few key things in my time here in this crazy world. These lessons continue to push me forward and keep me (semi) sane. Allow me to drop some knowledge on you.

1. Generally, people are assholes. It may sound cynical but it’s just the cold hard truth. They don’t always mean to be. People are just people and they can’t change overnight or be who you think they should be. They will disappoint you. You just have to figure out which ones are worth believing in and which ones you can live without. I’m pretty proud of the few good assholes I continue to surround myself with.
2. Keep it real but be kind whenever possible. Staying true to yourself does not mean you have to offend others in the process. Everyone has an opinion. Stand up for yours but make sure you are allowing for others to do the same. I still have to remind myself of this one a lot of the time. Work in progress, folks.
3. Music makes the world go round. It can change your mood, bring back a memory- good or bad, lift your spirit, awaken your soul and it makes you fall in love over and over again. It has shaped me throughout my entire life and I honestly don’t know who I would be without it. It has inspired me in so many ways- even down to the name of my child, hence the name of this here blog. For me, there is nothing better than seeing a band you truly love live. Period.
4. Life is painful but beautiful. The pain does actually make you stronger over time and it makes the awesome moments in life that much more worth while. It all sounds cliche but it’s true. I’ve been through some shit in my day but it’s all lead me to right here, who I am today at 30 years young. For that, I’m thankful for everything I’ve experienced because I’m pretty damn proud of who I am today.
5. Family is everything, regardless of the issues that you may have with each other. These are the people who will love you no matter what. They are right beside you as you grow up, evolve and make endless mistakes along the way. When you are running into all of those assholes out in the real world, you can always count on your family to show you that there is still good in people and that there’s always a place to call home, where you can be yourself and be respected for it. My family is far from perfect but deep down, we all know that we will be there for each other no matter what. That’s a comforting feeling that you can’t put a price on.
6. Having a child of your own changes you to the core. This is my most recent realization and perhaps the coolest and most important in all of my 30 years. My son Lyric has made me want to be a better person, even in just the short 6 months he’s been around. I finally feel like I know my purpose here. Apparently it’s not just being the hilarious, drunken life of the party. Weird, right? It was a hard pill to swallow for me too, people. Honestly, every time I look at him, I feel extreme love and fear all at the same time. I want to protect him from all of the pain I’ve experienced, the many evils in this world and anything or anyone that may be out there waiting to dim his bright spirit. I know I can’t hold his hand through life. I just have to trust that he will, like me, learn his own lessons through his experiences and become a better person with every step along the way. It’s a scary feeling, being responsible for shaping another person into a good human…but it’s honestly the best “job” in the world. Every day is a new adventure.

There are probably a million more but six seems like a good number to stop on. So, with that, thanks to those of you that have stood next to me at some point or another during this 30 year journey of mine. Every person I’ve met and every experience has shaped me in some way and whether it’s been good or bad, it’s been a real wild ride. I don’t think I would change a thing. Cheers to this next decade! Only one glass though, because yes “I’m a cool mom” but I’m definitely not as cool as I once was. Lesson number 7- hangovers are no joke at this old age of mine.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Tammy Shaw says:

    Beautifully written.So happy for you. Some life lessons are never realized by some people .You have learned and written about the most valuable. I am so happy to be a small part of your lives. Really do miss being closer in location. I love you all so much. Thank you for the very precious gifts you have added to this family, starting with your own light,love and last but not least Lyric. Not sure how you can possibly top that decade !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Aunt Tam! We miss you too and hope to see you soon for a visit. Lyric is getting so big so fast! It’s crazy how time flies. It’s going to be hard to top that decade for sure. 🙂 Love you!


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